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Here’s what’s happening this week at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Waco:

Sunday, April 28:
10:00 AM - Adult Religious Education in the Sofa Room. This week’s focus is Buddhism.
11:00 AM - Sunday service in the sanctuary featuring the reflection “Seeds of Change” by Dr. Kim Obenoskey. Becky Warren is celebrant.
12:00 PM - Coffee, snacks, and conversation in the Derrick Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday, May 1:
12:00 PM - Meditation in the Sofa Room.

Sunday, May 5:
11:00 AM - Sunday service in the sanctuary featuring a reading by Jane Kittner.
12:00 PM - Coffee, snacks, and conversation in the Derrick Fellowship Hall.

Upcoming events in May:
5/7: Holocaust Remembrance Service - 6:30 PM at Temple Rodef Sholom
5/12: Rev. Sarah Miller, “Mother’s Day”
5/19: Dr. Andrew Hudson, “Theodore Parker”
5/26: Memorial Day Brunch

Donation opportunities for May:
-Share the Plate partner: Meals on Wheels
-Non-perishable items are accepted every Sunday for Caritas.

Hope to see you there!

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Waco

4209 N. 27th Street

Waco, TX 76708

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